Ask around to find events in your community at which you can participate. Be aware of regulations around food sales in your area, and ask permission from the organizer if you plan to sell at an event. This can also work for packaged drinks such as Gatorade or water bottles. Fun Fundraiser Ideas can either sell the plants directly with a small markup, or have volunteers repot them into interesting objects (plastic dinosaurs or teacups are sure to be a hit) for added visual interest. There’s just something great about a paper calendar that has pictures from your favorite charity.
In this case, have some spare white t-shirts and low-cost tie-dye materials. Remember, restaurant and shop owners will love the opportunity to spread the word about their brand. Encourage them to get creative with their prizes, reminding them that you’ll announce their names when their item is presented. Think gift certificates, art by local artists, movie tickets, gift baskets, and so on. Set up a simple online store on your organization’s website so that donors and other community members can purchase e-cards for their loved ones.
Does your organization have a special connection to the Chocolate Factory? Just find an incredible prize—a tour, a vacation, VIP seats at a concert—and sell chocolate bars or candies with a prizewinning “golden ticket” hidden inside one. You need permission from the event host to ensure you can sell your 50/50 tickets as part of the larger event.
These could be musicians, comedians, and magicians, just to name a few. Stagger your performers so that similar performances don’t occur one after the other. From there, all contributions will come from the retailers, meaning your supporters can help out your organization while making their everyday purchases. Plus, they’ll still be able to take advantage of the same sales and coupons they normally do. Matching gifts are a part of many corporate philanthropy policies.
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